
Wow, man.

I received an email earlier today from a dear lady, whom I guess – thought she might have been doing me a real favor by forwarding me an article from a very famous Christian Black Guy who was spouting all of the reasons why he was not voting for Obama – as if (or so I took it) his argument might hold enough weight to persuade me not to.

Was she really implying that the only reason I might be voting for Obama is because he and I are Black? 

In all fairness to this Non-African sister, I did recognize a few email addys that she put out on blast and there were various persuasions on the list – but it is odd that she would specifically note that this article spouting dude was indeed “black.” 

Out of curiosity, I did read it and there was more of a conservative/liberal ranting than it was black/white – but it was mostly ranting.

On the other side of town, I frequently pass an African-American Baptist Church that has intermittenly posted this harrowing phrase on their big yard sign ” Send For Barak – Judges 4:6″

Does this imply that because his first name appears in the Bible, that Almighty God has chosen  Obama to be the savior of the USA? Then this would mean that I should fall to my knees and worship my Hispanic friend, Jesus the next time I see him – because now there’s a name that appears in the Good Book an awful lot – especially in that second section!

I mean Wow, man. Just go vote your God given conscience and quit with all the stupid games.

I’m very grateful that SounDoctrine is made up of Black, White & Brown – Conservative & Liberal who share a common thread of One Lord, One Faith & One Baptism and that we absolutely dig music – especially jazz.

On Novenber 4, we’re going to walk into our respective voting places (except for me – I’m voting early), cast our individual votes and then collaborate on a great funk tune together – because that’s what it’s all about.

Or so I thought.

One Response to “WoW!”

  1. It appears to me that some people are expecting African Americans to vote for Obama simply because he is black. Is color the only criteria that is necessary in some people’s minds when choosing a president this go round? What if we don’t agree with his policies? I WON’T vote based on party lines, a person’s color, or their gender. Are we naive enough to think that any one of these “criteria” will put the right person in the White House. Are we just disillusioned? Are we desperate? As an African American myself I have been “encouraged” to vote for him because some think that he will be our savior. How many past presidential candidates have made promises in order to get into the white house, only to renege on them? Right now I am not sure who I am voting for but if I do vote for Obama the last thing on my mind will be the fact that he is black. Prayer should always precede our decisions!!

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