Archive for the Christian Category

In Our Lifetime

Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music on January 21, 2009 by soundoctrine

Grateful, Thankful and in constant reflection is how I spent my day. January 20, 2009.

My three daughters and I (yes,I kept my two youngest home from school) put 3 TVs and two laptops in our family room and watched the entire Inauguration from every media vantage point we could switch/surf to. Later, I cooked a traditional African-American meal (Fried & Baked Chicken, Greens, Cornbread, Macaroni & Cheese) and many of our extended family and friends descended upon our home to help us celebrate this historic (inter)national event.

I kept thinking about my mother, Ellen B. Young, who left us unexpectedly in April 08, having met President (then Senator) Obama and had planned to vote for him. She believed the day would come when this country would welcome its first Black President, but never saw it. Then I considered her parents and my paternal grandparents – and their parents before them, who’d never even imagine that such an occasion was possible.

But in my lifetime – and my children, we have witnessed not just the nation’s first Black President – but have felt and experienced an energy and sense of unity that has never been so overtly expressed in an election.

Now the final layer of the proverbial glass ceiling has shattered. Now, in our lifetime, America can – and must say to all of her citizens, “If you apply yourself, you can succeed in any position you choose.”  The sky has gotten a lot smaller.

This was affirmed in my daughters this morning and I’m even more optimistic about what else can unfold in our lifetime! 


What did He SAY?!?!?!

Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music with tags , , on November 6, 2008 by soundoctrine

Did you actually Listen to what He said or did you hear somebody say something about what they heard he said or stood for?

There’s a difference between LISTENING & HEARING.

Musicians must pay close attention so that they are actually LISTENING to each other instead of hearing the rest of the band and themselves clang away at their instruments. It’s the difference between a stellar performance and a jam session. It’s the difference between making beautiful music or making noise.

This morning my Inbox was a putrid bile of hatred toward one Ralph Nader who had made an ‘Uncle Tom’ comment toward our beloved president elect. The horror that he would speak his mind about his expectations of the next administration and use such a backward term in referenece toward the first African American elected to the highest office on the planet is unthinkable!

But, when you actually watched and listened – Did he Call Obama an ‘Uncle Tom’ or did he say Barak could make a choice?

It was not unlike how people were interpreting what they thought they heard Mr. Obama say he stood (and did not stand) for during the campaign process and what he actually said he stood for, supported and was against.

What did he SAY?

Back to the Nadar comment for a second. I voted for Barak. I voted against McCain. I have huge expectations of this new president and his administration – even taking into account that change won’t necessarily come overnight, but I am expecting it – and I would’ve expected John McCain to make good on the many plenty promises he made if he would have won.

I won’t give the new president a pass because he’s a Black Man. I voted for him and welcome this moment and will pray for him while not supporting his agenda 100% – but I LISTENED and LISTENED well and I trust that the things he said he would do for this nation and our allies elsewhere jereb2223will come to pass – and if he should not make good on what he said, I will not support him in 2012.

It’s that simple. He does have a choice. Uncle Sam or that other guy…

Connections & Disconnections

Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music with tags , , , , on November 5, 2008 by soundoctrine

jereb221Many of my musician friends, including a few in this band, find ourselves at times discussing (and often debating) the merits and demerits of musicians who are incredibly skilled on their instruments.

These geniuses practice four or more hours a day and can flawlessly perform any piece of music either placed in front of them or within hearing three notes of the first chorus. 

Then there are other musicians who, well, are not as blessed. They work hard, are dedicated to their craft, but can’t seem to break the threshold of greatness. In many ways, they employ the same approaches in their soloing, technique and they tend to settle into a comfortability that, in many ways prohibits them from stretching beyond familiar boundaries.

Yet, and here’s where the debates usually surface, many of the latter described musicians are far more popular than their counterparts, because they possess a gene that makes an immediate emotional connection with their audience, which more than makes up for their technical deficiencies.

It’s often here where the question is raised, “Well, should we accept and support mediocrity and sub-par musicians?” 

In my opinion, absolutely not – artistic excellence is a virtue every musician should strive for. But, we must observe and appreciate the uniqueness – and the spirit, vibe and aura that each one brings to the table.

I have been to shows where the virtuoso used every single note on their instrument with masterful fluency. Their expert facility of timing, technique and proficiency was unmatched and among the 47 or so of us shouldering the responsibility of keeping each other awake, we agreed that this musician was going to be the next Chick or Herbie, but he failed to reach us. He didn’t talk to us, or look us in the eye or smile, nor make any attempts to connect.

Then there were the concerts where the lady played in the same key most of the night, with minor inversions on the same 12 chords, but grinned, grunted, sweated & screamed and took us on an unbelievable journey for three straight hours, because her spirit created an enviroment of purity and euphoria. We FELT the music!

So, which is better?

My music collection is a potpourri of musicians and artists who scale the plane from absolutely superb to the “well…” but I enjoy and support their artistry just as strongly – and in some ways even more so. But then, my DNA gravitates more toward what I feel, than what’s most tecnically correct.

I can feel James Brown everyday (!) although I absolutely appreciate and enjoy the brilliance of Endar (check him out). The Five Blind Boys play next to Pat Methaney in my CD rotation. P-Funk shares as much real estate as Duke Ellington. I’m that Dude.

I also tend to think the best of both worlds include the musicians who are equally adept at their instruments but always invite me along for the ride. Artists like the late Michael Brecker (who incidentally recorded and toured with P-Funk early on), Herbie Hancock, Stevie, Prince, the late Jimmy Smith, B.B King and many plenty others of unknown, unsigned and under the radar who make this universe of music a place we can see, feel and hold in the palm of our own souls while stretching our imaginations.

I can’t help but to draw a slight analogy to this final presidential election result, where Mr. Obama had the charisma to make us feel something, along with proving himself a man of character who is skilled and ready for the task at hand.

To me (as I shared previously), although acknowledging and welcoming this profound moment in history, was always ready – and willing – to vote for the best prepared candidate. But Mr. McCain failed to connect and whether better prepared or not, had to concede to the one who made the majority of the populace feel he is the better choice.


Posted in Christian with tags , , , , , on October 29, 2008 by soundoctrine

Wow, man.

I received an email earlier today from a dear lady, whom I guess – thought she might have been doing me a real favor by forwarding me an article from a very famous Christian Black Guy who was spouting all of the reasons why he was not voting for Obama – as if (or so I took it) his argument might hold enough weight to persuade me not to.

Was she really implying that the only reason I might be voting for Obama is because he and I are Black? 

In all fairness to this Non-African sister, I did recognize a few email addys that she put out on blast and there were various persuasions on the list – but it is odd that she would specifically note that this article spouting dude was indeed “black.” 

Out of curiosity, I did read it and there was more of a conservative/liberal ranting than it was black/white – but it was mostly ranting.

On the other side of town, I frequently pass an African-American Baptist Church that has intermittenly posted this harrowing phrase on their big yard sign ” Send For Barak – Judges 4:6″

Does this imply that because his first name appears in the Bible, that Almighty God has chosen  Obama to be the savior of the USA? Then this would mean that I should fall to my knees and worship my Hispanic friend, Jesus the next time I see him – because now there’s a name that appears in the Good Book an awful lot – especially in that second section!

I mean Wow, man. Just go vote your God given conscience and quit with all the stupid games.

I’m very grateful that SounDoctrine is made up of Black, White & Brown – Conservative & Liberal who share a common thread of One Lord, One Faith & One Baptism and that we absolutely dig music – especially jazz.

On Novenber 4, we’re going to walk into our respective voting places (except for me – I’m voting early), cast our individual votes and then collaborate on a great funk tune together – because that’s what it’s all about.

Or so I thought.


Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on October 25, 2008 by soundoctrine

I don’t know.

Maybe it’s just me…but do you see what I see?

Recession?! I heard BOTH Presidential Candidates – and their VP’s exclaim, and I listened as the entire multimedia repeated (and repeated) the disconsolate refrain: “This is the worst depression since 1929!!” they complained. But when I revisit my history books, view the pics and videos and then look out my back window, I must utter my disdain – “It just don’t look the same!”

Now this is not to say that there aren’t people in real pain and I know of plenty of people who have suffered from lay-offs and downsizing and outright unfairness (while others have actually profitted from the Bail-Outs) – BUT just this past week – on several different occassions, I have personally witnessed restaurants, cafes, diners and Mega Super Stores flourishing! I’m saying I even can’t find a Parking Space and do I really have to wait an hour and a half to get a seat here? And I’m in Northeast Ohio!

I had two meetings in 3 days in locations where the food is pricey (but delicious…but Pricey!) and nobody seemed to mind – in fact for a minute I thought I was at Mickey-Ds at high noon for all the whirring of the cash registers and cappachino machines. People Flocking In – People Flocking Out. I think I’m in the wrong business!


But, I don’t know.

Maybe it’s just me…but do you see what I see?

Are we really in a recession? Is this really as serious as they say?

Now as a Husband, Father and Entrepreneur, I constantly have to re-adjust my budgets and PRIORITIZE just like you do, which means the few times I was in those locations were because I HAD to be there in order to progress my business, but as I look around me, I just don’t see what I’m being told to attest to. Either we are in a stifling, gut-wrenching, gosh awful depression and should hold on to every penny until our hands bleed – or – people just don’t care and instead of saving for little Sammie’s future, they’re going to continue to buy him/her that over priced Tomato & Mozzarella Panini.


Maybe it’s just me…Jere B

Peace and Blessings!!

Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on October 25, 2008 by soundoctrine

What’s Happening Friend?!

Finally, finally! We’ve started an Official Blog for the Jazz Funk Circus that is SounDoctrine. We plan to collectively and individually discuss many things with you musically, spiritually, personally & otherwise.  We’re looking forward to connecting with you in a very transparent way, letting you in on rehearsals, recording sessions, listen to unfinished tunes, share in a collaboration of ideas and hopefully offer advice to us on songs and similar ideas as we seek to develop them.  We also want to share our hearts, as there are a MYRIAD of things to discuss, especially in the present economic climate (which I’ll discuss a little in the next postJere B) – but always in a spirit of grace, peace, reasonableness, love and respect, which is all we ask of all those who contribute here.

This doesn’t mean that we’ll be completely abandoning our periodic newsletter, but blogging affords us the opp to dialogue with you continually – and that’s what we intend to do.  So Here we GO!

Much Love to Ziko for the hook up!

Jere B

About SounDoctrine

Posted in Christian, Jazz, Music on October 25, 2008 by soundoctrine

SD Logo

Original Alternative Funk/Jazz Band SOUNDOCTRINE first appeared at The Northeastern Ohio Gospel Music Connection in January 2002. Two weeks later they opened for Grammy Winner

Bobby “Blue” Bland at the famous Cellar in Struthers Ohio. The group recently celebrated five years in the entertainment industry and continues to travel throughout Northern Ohio, Western P.A., Maryland, D.C, Delaware and in to New York state.

SOUNDOCTRINE’S previous CDs PERSEVERANCE and SD Live!!! released May 2002 and June 2003 respectively on their own NIAYANA Label continue to receive solid support throughout the global Indie Artist community. Keyboardist Jim Couchenour released his debut “LIVING COLOUR” October 5, 2004. The band’s fourth album entitled ENDURANCE has now been released to rave reviews and was chosen #3 Best Jazz Funk Album of 2006 by Soul Patrol

The band’s unique blend of fusion, intentionally marketed toward the 25-64 age group has been described as ‘George Duke meets Steely Dan on the way to Quincy Jones house while listening to David Benoit!’ The fellas dubbed their music “Originalalternativefunkjazzfusion!

PERSEVERANCE was also awarded the 2003 Nu Soul ‘Album of The Year’ from Soul-Patrol in Willingboro, NJ. The band premiered as the Official Host band for the Soul Patrol Convention in Philadelphia, May 2007.

SOUNDOCTRINE was the ‘band of choice’ for newly elected Youngstown Ohio Mayor,

Jay Williams’ victory party in November 2005, benefit dinner for Ohio’s former First Lady,

Hope Taft in 2006 and the band participated in the 2007 Inaugural Celebration of incoming governor, The Honorable Ted Strickland.

SounDoctrine is a 2006 Capital Jazz Fest Finalist.

In May 2004, SOUNDOCTRINE was nominated for Best Jazz Artist by the American Gospel Music Awards held in Orlando Florida.

Their music and 2002 Border’s Blitz Tour, documented by noted Indie Filmmaker, Art Byrd was accepted as a finalist into the Hollywood Black Film Festival. The film was featured throughout the event in Hollywood, CA June 22-28, 2004. (

On Friday, February 27, 2004, SOUNDOCTRINE was the featured Live Entertainment on the Nationally Syndicated Urban Talk Radio “Tom Pope Show” The band’s music has been added to the show’s regular bumper rotation and they since have appeared as guests on the program.

In June 2003, SOUNDOCTRINE performed at Cleveland’s famed Rock and Roll Museum as part of WZAK 93.1 FM’s “Rock and Soul Day” along with Atlantic Starr, Freddy Jackson and Ready for the World. In July of that year, SD headlined a Gospel Brunch at Sean ‘P-Diddy’ CombsNew York eatery, “Justin’s” and was chosen as al 2003 MEIC Showcasing Artist in Kentucky.

Among the stations and web casts regularly airing SD Music are Pittsburgh’s WRCT 88.3 on the Carnegie Mellon University. Phil Thain’s Talk Gospel, The UK’s Soul 24-7,The Upper Room with Joe Kelley on WVOF 88.5 FM, Fairfield, CT, New Artist Radio, Ison Radio, broadcast throughout Australia, New York’s Blake Radio and Tony Smith’s “Gospel Jazzations” on WFDU 89.1 FM Teaneck, NJ, Their most recent Add to Radio has been the inclusion of Don Campau’s Sunday Afternoon Indie Show, No Pigeonholes on KKUP 91.5FM Cupertino, CA and Bob Davis’ SOUL PATROL. The Family Life TV Network in Kittanning, PA continues to web cast their recent performances available at (

SOUNDOCTRINE’s material consistently chart in the Top Ten on various popular online music sites including BROADJAM.COM, where the funk jam “YOYO” and the mellower “MIRROR” both landed at #1 for the State of Ohio.

SOUNDOCTRINE was featured as the cover story of the May 2002 edition of H.E.E.T. Gospel Magazine. The Band launched their first national ad in ‘U’ Magazine in August 2002 and “CCM” in November. CHRISTIAN ROCKERS ONLINE named SOUNDOCTRINE as Featured Band for November 2002.

CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST picked “YOYO” as the Theme Song for their San Diego Christmas Conference 2002 Promo Video held Dec 28 – Jan 1, 2003.

Online, SounDoctrine’s tracks are available at Apple iTunes, Music 4 iPods, Music Net, Napster, Weed, Digizar and other fine Etailers.

On Friday, November 8, 2002, SOUNDOCTRINE kicked off a “BORDER’s BLITZ at the bookstore in Niles, Ohio that took them throughout Ohio and western PA, performing at each venue of the Mega Chain’s popular cafes. The band donated certain proceeds from these performances to various local area charities.

Most recently, the band has enjoyed the status of their music airing nationally on

The Weather Channel, their song “Chi Tea” from ENDURANCE” is the Theme Song of the WFMJ-TV21’s “Community Connection featuring Madonna Chism-Pinkard ” news program and

The CBOSS Community Network’s Global Infrastructure.

Since the band’s inception, the band has consistently appeared on local and regional television, including Fox 8-TV, Cleveland. The band’s recent Baltimore performance was featured in its entirety on the city’s premiere cable program “Baltimore After Hours.”

The SD story continues to unfold…

You may visit SOUNDOCTRINE’s website at ( a complete listing of stations, sites and web casts which feature their music or contact Jere B at 330-718-5373 or for BOOKING and additional info.

Contact Us.